
Should You Get Destiny 2 for PC?

update 21/05/2017

Release Date

Destiny 2 for PC will be released on the client on October 24, 2017 and September 8, 2017 on Consoles.

Destiny 2 on Blizzard.Net


Along side Blizzard's support for Destiny 2 on the Blizzard launcher, it is also announced that the Destiny 2 servers for PC will have a Peer-to-Peer structure. How that kind of structure will work in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game is a huge question to everyone.

Peer-to-peer servers are common among online fighter games such as Tekken, For Honor and Injustice. This would be an optimal choice since games are usually fought in small hosted rooms and allows players to get matched with players close to their region. However in an mmo like Destiny 2 this could spell disaster.

BETA TEST UPDATE: During our play test in the Destiny 2 Beta, the servers seem to be running smoothly and we had no run ins on any issues in terms of connectivity. No disconnections and very few players were lagging. Connectivity of course is reliant on your internet service provider and results may not be the same.

Character Transfers and Cross-Saves

At one point, it was rumored that Destiny 2 would allow cross-saves between platforms. If a player wanted to play on the PS4 and then later on pick up the game on PC, the save files would carry over. In a recent interview, art director Mike Zak, upon being asked the question simply replied

"Yeah, Hopefully, you're going to find a platform where you've got friends and stick to that one. If you don't, you can use our new Guided Games system for clans to make new friends."

If players decide to play Destiny 2 on PC, they will also be disappointed to learn that they won't be able to transfer their characters from console to PC. Character transfers will only be allowed for console to console.

Why you Should

PC exclusive features

As an FPS game, being on PC means players will be able to harness the accuracy and custom key mapping of a keyboard and mouse. Destiny 2 on PC will fully support keyboard and mouse use along side custom key mapping but the fun doesn't stop there.

PC players get to enjoy Destiny 2 with

  • 4k Resolution Support
  • Uncapped Frame Rate (Go beyond 30 FPS)
  • Detailed PC settings options
  • Adjustable field of view.
  • Text Chat support
  • Exclusive social features
  • 21:9 monitor support

System Requirements

For players who are concerned if their rig can handle playing Destiny 2, players will be relieved to hear that Destiny 2 won't require a high-end PC. Bungie aims to allow mid-level PCs to run Destiny 2 smoothly.

As of now, there are no official system requirements released but we have here the specs of the PCs they used during the gameplay reveal event:

  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1080 Ti (Courtesy of Nvidia)

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2Ghz (Courtesy of Intel)

  • 16GB Ram/500GB SSD/Windows 10

Players were able to play Destiny 2 on very high settings with these computers and it would be safe to say that a computer with slightly lower specs should be able to run Destiny 2 on lower settings.


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