If Destiny had to be compared to another game, It would probably be Warframe. With the highly anticipated release of Destiny 2, players are swarming over to Warframe for the time being seeing as both are very similar:
-Poorly narrated storyline ✔ -Vast world filled with potential lore ✔ -Millions of loot ✔ -Endless farming and grinding ✔ -Mysterious lore foundation ✔ -Floating machine companion ✔
And the list goes on! However, while Destiny 2 makes up for great gameplay and content, Warframe dominates the itemization and weapon customization department.
However, you can't blame Warframe for the structure it has; the game is Free-to-Play and must have a source of income to keep the servers running and thus that's why it has a need for such a robust itemization system.
We Want More
We Guardians want in on that robust customization too! If we could have something in Warframe that Destiny didn't have, it would probably be Melee weapons. Destiny already did it right by introducing swords in The Taken King. So why not go full circle and bring in fist weapons, shields(Not Including Sentinel's), Bo Staffs(not including Arcstrider's) and maybe even 2-handed hammers.
Melee weapons in Destiny do have a strange spot, being an actual weapon that is equipped. The only other melee option we have is the punch ability. Hunter's in Destiny 2 may have that added factor of having a throwing knife and Warlocks may have that added factor of having a slightly ranged melee strike/energy blast but it definitely would be better if we could replace that melee option with something else other than a punch that gives us shields or a punch that regenerates energy. The way Destiny's melee option functions feels a bit stiff and its starting to hurt.
But Destiny Is A Shooter
The biggest and most frequent argument players put out there is that Destiny is an MMO-Shooter. While that is true, there are several games that are changing the meta of what defines an FPS game. Games like Overwatch and Warframe have reinvented FPS-gaming and is quickly becoming the norm to keep things interesting for consumers. Given that Destiny has already been adding melee weapon mechanics into the game since The Taken King's equip-able swords and adding new Supers like the Sentinel Shield, and Arc Staff seems to show that Bungie is exploring the concept of having melee weapons as a staple in its growing franchise. If so, we're rooting for this to happen in a future DLC and boy, we'd love to use some throwing glaives in this game.