Shots from this weapon knock the target back farther
Slightly increases range
Tactical Mag
This weapon has multiple tactical improvements.
Slightly increases stability
Slightly increases reload speed
Slightly increases magazine size
Under Pressure
Improved Stability and Accuracy as the magazine gets lower.
Weapon Mods
Legendary Infusion
Default Shader
Usage Tips
In the Crucible
As an auto rifle, the Scathelocke is a favorite of players in the Crucible. While equipped with High-Caliber rounds, the Scathelocke keeps its user from harm by knocking back the enemy, reducing the enemy's ability to accurately return fire. The Scathelocke also has amazing handling and accuracy as you run out of ammo; Making precision shots easier to land during those crucial moments. The Scathelocke is easily the best auto rifle we've used in the beta.