Get the head start you need with Pop Tarts in Bungie's latest product tie-up! Pop Tarts is offering Experience boosts with every Destiny 2-themed box. The boxes will feature different designs for those who wish to collect the boxes.
Doritos and Mountain Dew is so Last Century
Along side this promotional event, Rockstar Energy Drink also has its own offers of exclusive in-game loot and a chance to win some exclusive video games, a PS4 console and a Rockstar Energy motorcycle. Rockstar energy cans will also have differing designs for can collectors.
Where and When is it Available?
Both of these promotions begin on September 1 and promo is only available in America. As for Destiny 2, the game launches on September 6 for PS4 and Xbox One, and for PC on October 24. Early Access for Destiny 2 PC is coming in August 28.