


Don't forget to pre-order!

Pre-order to get Destiny 2 and an access to Beta is avaialble now!
→ Pre-order


Mar 30, 2017Pre-order started.
May 18, 2017The first official gameplay will be streamed.
Sep 8, 2017Destiny 2 will get released.
July 21-23, 2017Open Beta will start.
July 18-20, 2017Early access will start.
Winter 2017First expansion will be available.
Spring 2018Second expansion will be available.

Pre-release information

What is Destiny 2?

Destiny 2 is the sequel to the online multiplayer game, Destiny. The plot of which is set to be of the events after Destiny: Rise of Iron as we see the Last City in ruins during the Destiny 2 teaser. The Guardians have been striped of their powers. They must now possess new powers to face Ghaul and the Red Legion in addition to ventures through out new planets of the Destiny Universe to reunite and prepare for a battle for home.

Release dateSeptember 8, 2017
PlatformsWindows PC, PS4, Xbox One
Official Web SiteDestiny 2

Release date

Planned dateSep 8, 2017

Finally Destiny 2 is scheduled for release on September 8, 2017.

First gameplay streaming

Planned dateMay 18, 2017

The first live stream for Destiny 2's gameplay was held on May 18, 2017.

Early access

Pre-Order now and get exclusive early access to Destiny 2 closed and open beta before everyone else can! When you pre-order the game you will be given a redeem code for the beta access. The start date of early access is unrevealed yet though.


  • Destiny 2 Physical and Digital base game - $59.99
  • Destiny 2 Game + Expansion Pass Bundle - $89.99
  • Destiny 2 Digital Deluxe Edition - $99.99
  • Destiny 2 Expansion Pass - $34.99
  • Destiny 2 Limited Edition (Physical Copy Only) - $99.99
  • Destiny 2 Collector's Edition (Physical Copy Only) - $249.99

Which console is it available on?

This time around, Activision has announced that Destiny 2 will be available for PS4, Xbox One and due to its huge success with the Original Destiny game they are releasing it for Windows PC as well.

Nintendo Switch?

The dream is a possibility however it is highly unlikely for Destiny 2 to come to Nintendo Switch.

While most of us wish this could be a reality, The Nintendo Switch’s hardware just isn't powerful enough. Destiny 2 isn't coming out on the Play Station 3 or Xbox 360 which means Destiny 2 is ready to harness the full power of the current gen consoles Play Station 4 and Xbox One

Which edition should I buy?

New to Destiny?

Destiny has been known to be a game that's built its success based off of DLCs and microtransactions. If you're new to the series and have the extra gold to spend, the Digital Deluxe Edition is the way to go. Although the base game is already a good buy on its own, if previous experience is any basis, you won't be disappointed with any of their DLCs and expansions.

Long-time fans

Players who have had played the first Destiny game are probably still playing it up to this day. Planning to buy Destiny 2 is probably already on your wishlist and no longer need further enticing but the Collector's Edition looks like a great purchase for die hard fans of the game.


According to leaked information, at least 2 DLCs will be available on Destiny 2. The first one will be released in winter, 2017, and the second one will be released in spring, 2018.

New class/subclass

While the classes Destiny had may remain the same, the sub classes may not. The Traveler is on Earth and this has paved way for new technology and possibilities for humanity's advancement. We may be seeing new abilities and sub classes but we also might lose some.

The reveal trailer of Destiny 2 also hints at some lore and in game sub classes. In the trailer we see the Traveler being encased in some sort of shield. The Ghosts are no where to be seen during the reveal and everything is gone. No Ghosts and no Traveler means no Light for the guardians, which means no subclasses. At least not the sub classes that are based on the Light.

Official trailers

Last Call

Rally the Troops


Class/subclass PvEClass/subclass PvP
Weapon PvEWeapon PvP




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